måndag 29 november 2010

The pawnshop princess arrives

I imagine my avatar living above a small pawnshop on a half-forgotten street, rarely selling anything but buying anything that sparks her interest. And sometimes, just sometimes, sewing the odd shirt or dress to wear when nothing else tickles her fancy.


I'm Cooper but Coop or Hey You works just as well. I've been in Second Life since -06 though the current incarnation of me is much younger. Not that I have trouble filling my inventory to madness mind you, I can't help but to treat Second Life as my own personal Barbie heaven, the fun part about Barbies were always dressing them up anyway.

I'm a true sucker for skins and have no loyalty for neither my shape nor my skin, I love me a good bargain skin after all. Bargains in general are nice but I'm shoping after the principle that an item doesn't have to be cheap to be worth it's Linden, for me who changes skin like a chameleon a high priced skin would be insane, The perfect pair of pumps though...

For my introduction I wore...
Skirt: ::{u.f.o}:: flower explore
Shoes: Baby Monkey Surrey Ankle Boot Black
Socks: Milk Motion My High Socks
Eyelashes: Glam Affair Regina 09
Sweater: Beetlebones Anya Shrunk my sweater, lite blue
Scarf: Duboo Mommy's old scard Flower
Nails: Love Soul Punk Girl silver
Hair: [e] Horizon red 02
Skin: Esuga Victoria Pale Grape