onsdag 15 december 2010

Colour of the week.

Surprisingly I did have a considerable amount of yellow in my wardrobe when I checked but by then I was allready so focused on the idea of making something myself so I ended up using some old templates and some new details and voila, I have a skirt. It's a simple high waisted miniskirt which I've put it on all possible layers for combination possibilities and if anyone would like to have it, drop me a line in world and I'll drop the folder on you. Obviously Hey You will probably not work so take note to send that request to Cooper Clarity.


As for the rest of the items they are all things I had in my inventory though almost all are reasonably new purchases so I was quite excited to do something with them.

Skin: Tres Blah - Blessa (Pale) -In the Morning
Open Mouth Tattoo: Tik Tok Teethy v3
Hair: Truth - Anise in Espresso
Eyes: Glam Affair - Stella 03
Eyelashes: Glam Affair - Regina 01
Nails: Love Soul - Lovely in Hard Pink
Shirt: u.f.o - Mirana Blouse in pink
Belt: Fishy Strawberry - Waist Belt Brown
Skirt: Selfmade and for now free!
Boots: Babymonkey - Surrey Boot v2 in Chocolate

For some reason I'm playing the Charlie's Angels theme on repeat when looking at my snaps in this outfit. I don't know if it's the boots or the blouse or just the hair!

måndag 13 december 2010


The other day I was traversing the grid without much real purpose in mind and realized just how broke I'll be before Christmas, surely I can't be the only one excited about the new releases of Tres Blah and Glam Affair? If I only could choose which ones to get I would be showing them off right now.

Other than that I'm mainly pondering if I should join in on Luna Jubilees blog-challenge 52 weeks of colour. Question is, do I own anything yellow? Or better yet, can I make something in time? It would be awfully fun to get back into the habit of putting down my ideas and desires into action after all.

lördag 11 december 2010

A bountiful Friday presented on Saturday

Friday in Second Life is undoubtfully associated with shopping, at least for me since I often end up logging in quite late and can thus not only enjoy 50 Linden Friday but also sometime in the middle of it the new releases at either the Dressing Room or the Dressing Room Blue. Needless to say, linden will be spent.

Yesterday I dressed up in a rare dark skintone, a huntgift from gorgeous Imabee and as I decided to go for the gal-style I combined it with a bright-lipped makeup, and went searching for the perfect items to add to my collection. Of course I did a detour to the sim that will be the new home to Lamb and Tres Blah as well as new brand Mon Tissu but more of that at a later time.
Dress: Canimal- Love is (pink)
Blazer: Modd.G Yulia Blazer in black

Shoes: astraia- Hunt Gift
Hair: !lamb - Ghost: Honeycomb
Skin: Imabee: Hunt Gift
Makeup: L.Fauna one eleven Carina Freckled Dark
Glasses: DUBOO newnew animal4
Eyelashes: Glow studio- Innocent Gentle
Legwarmers: Black Lace
Earrings: Glow studio- White Diamond Valentines

First I tackled the list from 50 Linden Friday and hopped over to start from the top. However, I've stopped buying everything and thus for this time I chose to only get the items from Reek, Tiny Bird, Kyoot and League. As always Tiny Bird makes for gorgeous hairs and I was really drawn to the red version. League offered us beautiful scarves in deep colours and the aubergine works very well with Kyoot's grey knit dress. However, my favourite this time must be the shoes from Reek. Lovely, warm looking unisex boots offered in two variations.

Skin: Mascarade- Chou Cocaine

Eyelashes: Skin Within Enchant Eyelashes
Shoes: Reek
Dress: Kyoot
Scarf: League
Hair: Tiny Bird

As I finished my rounds I recieved the note that the new collection was out in TDR Blue so I headed over and started deliberating. Again, in the beginning I bought everything they had for sale since they were available only for a limited time but yesterday I was disciplined. I picked up one set of hairs, a sweater and one pair of leggings only. I might return later to pick up Milk Motions set with shorts and cardigan as well as the denim mini-dress offered by Kunglers. Maybe. Probably.

Shoes: ANCAY- Chuck Pink
Sweater: Emery - Sweater Mademoiselle (tan)
Leggings: Tee*fy - Cut out grey leggins
Hair: LoQ Hairs - Cappucino Brown

All in all, it was a bountiful Friday and I am quite satisfied.

måndag 29 november 2010

The pawnshop princess arrives

I imagine my avatar living above a small pawnshop on a half-forgotten street, rarely selling anything but buying anything that sparks her interest. And sometimes, just sometimes, sewing the odd shirt or dress to wear when nothing else tickles her fancy.


I'm Cooper but Coop or Hey You works just as well. I've been in Second Life since -06 though the current incarnation of me is much younger. Not that I have trouble filling my inventory to madness mind you, I can't help but to treat Second Life as my own personal Barbie heaven, the fun part about Barbies were always dressing them up anyway.

I'm a true sucker for skins and have no loyalty for neither my shape nor my skin, I love me a good bargain skin after all. Bargains in general are nice but I'm shoping after the principle that an item doesn't have to be cheap to be worth it's Linden, for me who changes skin like a chameleon a high priced skin would be insane, The perfect pair of pumps though...

For my introduction I wore...
Skirt: ::{u.f.o}:: flower explore
Shoes: Baby Monkey Surrey Ankle Boot Black
Socks: Milk Motion My High Socks
Eyelashes: Glam Affair Regina 09
Sweater: Beetlebones Anya Shrunk my sweater, lite blue
Scarf: Duboo Mommy's old scard Flower
Nails: Love Soul Punk Girl silver
Hair: [e] Horizon red 02
Skin: Esuga Victoria Pale Grape